has it raised your dating prospects?
has it raised your dating prospects?
if that was true then you should he able to buy a used one for dirt cheap.
have you played super mario galaxy?
my personal record is 8 hard boiled eggs. my stomach really hurt and my farts were ridiculous.
train your cat to fetch you proteins.
not much difference for many. by the way your nostrils are nose testicles.
supposedly a suit draws attention to the face and hands, and hides everything else. i guess the tie points at the face.
something about stockholm syndrome and getting used to it?
imagine him in a romantic comedy
why isnt there porn with this level of fantastic?
Frogger taught me that when you show up to a new scene, the first ones to approach you are looking to run you over, the next set of people you will meet will help you briefly then abandon you, finally you will meet people who you can connect with until you find a comfortable spot. be careful being the new guy.
interesting that you pose that engaging in polyamory is not a choice.
app works fine on my iphone. is this an android thing?
now picture that bubble popping and nature has broken.
i think its quadriple usage if you include upper case and lower case letters with shift. the graphix alternatives i believe used the commodore key + shift.
poke 646, peek 162
no worries. i was going off the original: janitors in the los angeles unified school district in like the 1960s, radio reporting bathroom incidents without making kids giggle. #4 was blood.
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