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Wow, lurking on a techies-in-school email list here in Aotearoa, and there's been a steady stream of people complaining about how Google Classrooms and MS Office 365... basically don't work. And they're very unimpressed with the support they're getting. Why are we doing this, NZ? It's absurd. Plus, there's this:

Dave Lane · Explainer: Digitech risks for School BoardsI'm a parent with two children in public schools in Christchurch, NZ. I'm also a software developer with an interest in education.

@voorstad @CEDO yes, I'm very keen to be able to tell people here about it! Hope it's a successful initiative!

@lightweight @voorstad We do what we can, our movement is growing!

@voorstad @lightweight @CEDO Thanks for sharing! I just signed the petition.