After walk and snacks it’s now the human’s turn to eat. “Fine, I’m just going to lie here in my most dramatic flailing pose and watch you eat out of my side eye.”
#dogsofmastodon #winston #ijustcantgetenough
After walk and snacks it’s now the human’s turn to eat. “Fine, I’m just going to lie here in my most dramatic flailing pose and watch you eat out of my side eye.”
#dogsofmastodon #winston #ijustcantgetenough
Ik heb er wel genoeg van nu hoor #IJustCantGetEnough Man man man, deze scoort weer hoog in de irritatie top tien, hoor....
Few things have given me more pleasure recently than making a playlist of music from my uni days #IJustCantGetEnough
#AndyFletcher #DepecheMode
#music #musik #musique #musica
Thanx to Fletch and the rest of the band for telling Richard Spencer to Fuck off.