Moin ️
Es geht noch nichts im Seuchiversum. Daher erst mal ein wunderschöner Cannabis
Moin ️
Es geht noch nichts im Seuchiversum. Daher erst mal ein wunderschöner Cannabis
Explore the scholarship on financialization in Canadian Food Studies! No paywalls! Just knowledge sharing!
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Local Food
Can public institutions procure food locally? How do land grabs impact local food movements? What are the local food discourses in Canada? What are the ethical considerations of eating locally?
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Food Security
Canadian Food Studies has a large collection of open access scholarship on food security. No paywalls! Just knowledge sharing!
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#WTO #FoodTrade #India #FoodSecurity #Inuit #Indigenous #Canada #FoodInsecurity #FoodPrograms #FoodSystems #Environment #FoodPolicy Consumers Energy holds contest to help small towns grow #Communities #ConsumersEnergy #contest #Energy #entries #foundation #grants #grow #LocalNews #map #Michigan #Pitch #projects #proposals #SmallTowns #Town
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#EthnicFood #Diabetes #Racism #Immigrant #TraditionalFoods #Health #FoodInsecurity #Canada #Race #Intersectionality #EnvironmentalRacism #IndigenousRights #FoodSecurity #Reconciliation #AntiRacism #WhiteSupremacy #Capitalism #Patriarchy #Colonialism #ReadingList #LiteratureReview
Canada should announce the establishment of new cities for expected tens of millions of American refugees.
New Los Angeles, Nova York
Book Reviews
Explore urban agriculture, social movements, the strawberry industry, the ethics of land use, and more! Enjoy open access reviews of books that span the breadth of food scholarship!
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#BooksAboutFood #Food #Bookstagram #Books #CurrentlyReading #FoodSystems #FoodPolitics #FoodMovements #FoodCulture #FoodWays
Canadian cuisine
Deconstruct and decolonize Canadian cuisine. Take a culinary tour of cod tongues and Nanaimo bars. Unpack how we teach and write about Canadian cuisine. Review culinary history and literature in Canada.
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#CanadianCuisine #Decolonial #SettlerColonialism #Neoliberalism #FoodSovereignty #Decolonization #CulinaryHistory #CanLit #Canada
Learning through the land: The fruit and veg revival empowering Welsh communities | Sustainable Food Trust #Wales #Cymru #sustainability #vegetables #agriculture #grow #procurement #schoolmeals #schooldinners
Ask Me Anything LIVE Q&A: Episode 05 | The Millennial Gardener #DIY #EdibleLandscaping #FoodForest #FruitTree #FruitTrees #garden #GardenHacks #GardenTips #Gardening #GardeningHacks #GardeningTips #GardeningTipsAndTricks #grow #growing #HowTo #live #livestream #livestreaming #MillennialGardener #organic #OrganicGardening #q&a #QuestionAndAnswer #RaisedBed #TheMillennialGardener #VegetableGarden #VegetableGardenVideos #VegetableGardening #VegetableGardeningVideos
Farmland, land grabs, land concentration, farmland investment, land-based learning, territorial restructuring, the corporate food regime, land access, policy, stolen land, land use.
Explore the scholarship on land in Canadian Food Studies!
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#Land #LandGrab #Farmland #Territory #CorporateFood #LandAccess #LandPolicy #StolenLand
We just passed our 10,000 followers goal on Bluesky!: is 10,000th! Thank you all!
Our next goal is 100,000!
Our Main Channel of Resistance:
Please donate if you can:
#Boost #Grow #blueteam #Progressive #Democrat
The CFS Choux Questionnaire
Lenore Newman
#CFS #Choux #Questionnaire #ChouxQuestionnaire #LenoreNewman #FoodAndAgriculture #FraserValley #Innovation
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A review of The Political Economy of Agribusiness: A Critical Development Perspective
Nil Alt
#Agribusiness #Brazil #CriticalStudies #AgriculturalDevelopment #Financialization #Farmland #FoodSovereignty #PoliticalEconomy #RuralResistance #PeasantResistance #IndigenousResistance #BookReview #CurrentlyReading #Books
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CW Cannabis Indoor Ernte
Sonntag, Dry Trim. Komplett staubtrocken kraftlos übertrocknet das Zeug, im Indoor-#Grow auf der härtesten Winterkälte. Ich nehms als Baustein einer Erfahrung, auf der ich aufbauen kann, falls die Prohibition zurückkommt. Regulatorpäckchen drin, um in der Nachtrocknung vielleicht noch ein klein wenig zu rehydrieren. Skunk Dream, reines #CBD-#Cannabis ohne berauschende Wirkung. Hashtag #MultipleSklerose.
Faithful ruin
#Luther got it all wrong, as did all gods, sons of god, prophets, apostles, popes, bishops, gurus, priests, believers, faithful, sheep.
*They* are #satanic.
#Faith is the #devil's #whore.
#Sensations are the #devil's #whore.
*Only* #wisdom and #reason is the path to #divinity.
#Grow and #educate yourself!
#consciousnessevolution @religion @education