Our commitment to the fediverse is here to stay.
Today, we launched our new Mastodon instance. It will ensure a privacy-focused space to engage with and get the latest from our Commissioners, departments, and the official voices of the Commission.
We want to thank @Mastodon for stewarding us and helping us make this possible.
Fostering European digital players is vital to our strategy for a stronger #DigitalEU.
This is a unique opportunity to grow the community even more. Let's get there!
Hi, great to have you here on your own instance in the #fediverse! One remark: not all active profiles seem to be visible in your profiles directory (https://ec.social-network.europa.eu/directory). For example, I do miss @EC_DIGIT, @EC_NGI and @EC_OSPO. Could you make sure that all active profiles will be shown in the profiles directory? Thanks!
thanks Bart! That was something we had to configure .. done!